Carpet shopping - the Moroccan way

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

15 October 2014

We woke at a good time to catch an early bus back to Essaouira. We ended up on an overflowing public minibus and got dropped off just outside the medina. Before entering the center of town we picked up some pancakes at a tiny stall and headed straight to our favorite cafe for a relaed tea/coffee. The peace and quiet didn't last long, once we'd set off for a little shopping in the medina. Tempted by the gorgeous carpets hanging outside we headed into a tapistry shop. After a bit of a clumsy bargain, Alby decided it was a good idea to spend 700DH on a 1m² carpet - supported by Clara's naive carpet knowledge.

Wandering the medina streets

An accidental buy

It was such a great idea that we decided to celebrate the buy with a fresh orange juice whilst the carpet was being repaired to tip-top condition. However, feelings of regret started to torture Alby and the realisation of being 'had' set in. With a story of Moroccan carpet shop vendour quality, Alby headed back to the shop to get back "our only money for the rest of the holiday". After some disagreement Alby emerged victorious and we headed to the bus station for a ride back to Marrakech. Three hours later we arrived at our previous hostel and noticed how much more alive the city was this time. We enjoyed a yummy harira and tajine at the Jemaa el Fna and settled for the night.

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