
Friday, September 27, 2013

25 - 26 September 2013

After the 12-hour train journey from Beijing with full lights, loud chatter and very little sleep, we were happy to arrive in Dalian, where we found a welcoming hostel with a big fluffy dog. After catching up on our sleep we walked into town and caught a bus to Lushun, an important strategic port during the 1904-05 Russian-Japanese war. We saw a few war monuments and enjoyed the nice look-out over the sea. Back in Dalian we ended the day with delicious dumplings in a good street food market!
The bay at Lushun

Delicious dumplings in the street market

Today we got up early and caught the bus to Xinghai Square, the starting point of what the Lonely Planet described as “a 20km walk along the coastline, the city’s most alluring natural destination”. It turned out to be a fascinating mix of beautiful raw shoreline, industry, tacky touristy resorts and a mock 20th century American east coast village. Despite the longest boardwalk in the world, acting as a pavement to the main road which followed the coastline the weather was fantastic and we had a lovely hike. Discovery of the day: private photo shoots are all the rage! From honeymoon photos on the beaches (of which we saw loads) to fashion shoots in slightly surreal faux American town settings. Satisfied with our day we wandered the streets, had the hottest noodle soup either of us had ever tried back at the street market and cried. Tomorrow we go back en route… heading towards Dandong!

A foodie's delight

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