Off we go!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hi there!

If you are reading this, you've found our blog! We will be updating it on a regular basis (when we can) with news about our trip across China and Mongolia. We are really excited and looking forward to sharing some of our little adventures with all of you!

After arriving in Beijing and getting our bearings our plan is to spend a couple of weeks at the beginning of the trip exploring North Eastern China. At the start of October we'll head towards the border and enter Mongolia, where we will stay for the next four weeks (our exact Mongolian route will become clear along the road...). For stage three of the trip we'll head back to China for a month and then return home on 28 November.

If you want to keep up to date with our news, you can subscribe to this blog by entering your email at the bottom of the page. Please do! We'd love to keep in touch.

That's it for now!

Alby & Clara

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  1. Hi Alby
    Happy Birthday from Mum, Andy and Nina. Look forward to reading your updates as they arrive. Love to you both. xx

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALBY! :) Hope you are having a cracking time together!

  3. From Alby and Clara "Blogspot is blocked by the great firewall of China so will have to wait until Mongolia for photos/stories I'm afraid :( "

  4. Don't get your stuff nicked! Lol just kidding! Lol to both of u! XD
